Monday, August 18, 2008

More Random Pics

We've been out to the clubs a couple of times here in Libreville and here are some of those pictures. There's one of me with Landry's little brother Mignon and one of Landry and I together. There's also one of me eating the BEST hamburger I've ever had in my entire life. Funny to come all the way to Africa to find the best hamburger of all foods, but I swear it's amazing. These guys have this little truck set up on the street where all the bars and clubs are and they serve these hamburgers on toasted buns with ketchup, mayonaise, and lettuce. For anyone who knows me I don't even eat my hamburgers like that at home, but based on this experience I'm about to start trying! We also took Landry's little cousins out for ice cream one night and there's a picture of him with them at the ice cream spot. We also took a picture of Herwan straight ballin' and he's only 3!! There's also a picture of Landry's neice Maelys, who is soooo cute, a pic of me with Landry's friend Ingrid who I first met at the airport in Paris, and one of Landry's parents eating dinner one night. Also, we got those pictures downloaded off of Landry's phone, so I've added the picture of us with the prime minister to that post if you want to check that out as well.

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